Pace and Patience

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As we head into the fall season, I find myself stepping into another long-term goal, completing a marathon! This particular milestone has been on my aspiration list for longer than I’d like to admit and it’s another goal that reminds me of the importance of pace and patience

At times, these two characteristics seem to flow together seamlessly. Working in tandem to bring you exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there. 

However, as many of you can probably relate, the times that most stick with us are those where pace and patience diverge. Either due to our own choices and decisions or things out of our control. 

In addition, we can be inundated with noise and information. During race training this can look like comparing yourself to others, sheer exhaustion or even an overly brutal perspective of self. These factors often lead you to question your patience and re-evaluate your pace.

From my perspective, preparing for a long-distance race and preparing to meet any other goal are very similar. Just as there’s no one way to get to race day, there’s no one way to achieve your financial, educational, or personal goals. That journey is unique, and wonderfully so! 

With an honest dose of pace and patience, you’ll come out the other side with a fresh perspective and often new supporters you gained along the way. 

May the change in season bring you one step closer to whatever goal you may be chasing, and if it happens to be the Death Valley Marathon this December, I’ll see you there. Cheers!

Topics: team updates

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